
Friday, January 17, 2014

Favorites Friday

Because it's a "favorites" season...and because it's the first week of the season...and because it's a Friday we wanted to have a little fun.
Soooooo...we are postponing announcing this weeks winner until Monday and are going to have a favorite things giveaway instead!
What are we giving away you ask?
Wellllll...we can't's a surprise.
But we'll give you a involves patterns, and fabric, and notions...and a little something special.
So if you want to enter to win the mystery prize (which we will reveal next Friday) all you have to do is leave a comment telling us which challenge (from any of the seasons) was your favorite.
Was it the white sheet challenge?  Inspired by art?  Back to school?  Holiday wear?  Inspired by candy?  There are lots to choose from...over 40 different themes...and we want to know which ones you like best!
So let us know...and your entered to win!
(And then watch next Friday for the prize reveal and to see if you won!)


  1. My favorite challenge is the repurposing challenge. Seeing so many ideas really had me looking at quality fabrics in clothing that I no longer wear in a new way. When experiences change you in a positive way what more can you ask for in a challenge.

  2. I liked the one where the contestants selected a favorite style decade.

  3. I have a couple favorites. Loved the Candy Inspired Challenge and Men's Dress Shirt Challenge.

  4. I really enjoyed last seasons leather challenge

  5. love the inspired by art - but would also love to see an inspired by literature theme!

  6. I think I liked the Back to School challenge!

  7. My favorite was the man's dress shirt challenge. It was sweet seeing my daughter in hubby's favorite work shirt that had gotten ripped.

  8. I love "inspired by" challenges where the inspiration has nothing to do with clothing. I think inspired by art would be my favorite of them all.

  9. Boy's week for sure, any season.

  10. I think the inspired by art challenge...there are just so many possibilities and interpretations that go with it!

  11. I really love the repurposing theme, since that's my main source of cool fabric ;)

    1. Agreed! Almost all my fabric is from old clothes.

  12. I have a lot of favorite themes but I love the Repurposing, White Sheet, Winter Wonderland, and Inspired by Art themes the best. I also like the idea of an 'Inspired by Literature' theme and I'd like to add a couple of other ideas: Nautical, Sea Shore, Under the Sea, In the Garden.

  13. I love them all! My favorite is the winter wonderland theme because everyone creates so many detailed layers.

  14. I liked the candy one, it was so fun!

  15. I enjoyed the repurposing challenge. It's always great to have inspiration to bring life to those old clothes in your closet. I also enjoy seeing the remixes. I have a hard time thinking outside the box when I have a pattern in front of me, so it's always nice to see what others can create.

  16. I personally love the holiday wear look because I like to have an excuse to do some fancy sewing ;)

  17. the white sheet challenge was my favorite......used it to make a circle skirt for my daughter which I embroidered with flowers that she had drawn for me

  18. I love the character challenges!! - book or movies!! :)

  19. Movie challenge, hands down! It inspired our film petit series which has been the most fun thing ever. :)

  20. I like the one that showed the favorite era/design period. Those outfits were stunning! For my own sewing, I like the repurposing challenges and the remakes of popular patterns.

  21. I loved the theme from last falls challenge that was art inspired! Some folks came up with some amazing styles!

  22. A toss up for me between the white sheet challenge (so many options, and the entries were all so different) and of course the up-cycle challenge (since most things I make are re-purposed from something else!)

  23. I sew a lot for my kids, so I really liked the Candy inspired challenge.

  24. I liked the back to school challenge

  25. Winter Wonderland because it was the first one I was able to do the Sew Along!

  26. I loved the candy inspired theme! It was sooo creative and fun to see all the entries!

  27. I liked the decades/era challenge and the repurposing challenge.

  28. Candy challenge was fun to participate! I like all the challenges when I am just an observer, everyone is very inspiring!

  29. I love the challenge Inspired by Art.

  30. I loved seeing the outfits made from the go to the movies theme, so creative!

  31. My favorite was the white sheet challenge. So many many things you can do with a sheet. I loved the designers outfits, & often look back at them for inspiration.

  32. While I never go to sew along with the white sheet challenge, it looked like the most fun! nicolebomeli (at) gmail (dot) come

  33. My favorites were The Men's Dress Shirt Challenge & Repurposing (loved the Stylish 70's and Breakfast at Tiffanys).

  34. Repurposing and the candy challenge.

  35. Repurposing and the candy challenge.

  36. It's got to be the shirt challenge for me too. There's something so heartwarming about the littlies wearing an outfit made from Daddy's shirt.

  37. I loved the white sheet challenge. The possibilities are endless.

  38. I like white sheet, boys week, and art inspired. Do I get kicked out of the drawing if I choose three instead of one? If so, I choose white sheet, with its endless possibilities!
    with love,

  39. It's got to be the shirt challenge for me too. There's something so heartwarming about the littlies wearing an outfit made from Daddy's shirt.

  40. My favorite is always the re-purposing challenge. I love to see what unusual things the designers use to make their clothes and accessories.

  41. It is hard to choose! I LOVED the Art inspired challenge, but this one we just did (Winter inspired) is pretty up there on my list. I like the broadness of the subject and seeing how everyone had their own interpretation of it.

  42. All of the challenges are fun! My favorite is a tie between choosing a decade and then the personal style challenge! your mystery prize sounds pretty amazing!! Thank you :)

  43. I think Inspired by Art was the first challenge I saw, and it hooked me right there. The entries were amazing!

  44. my favorite is the patter remix!

  45. Personally I loved inspired by candy, there was a lot of thought and colour in the outfits!

  46. The white sheet was one of my favorites. Actually the grey pintuck baby dress was my favorite from that challenge.

  47. inspired by the movies was an especially fun challenge, and definitely one of my favorites :)

  48. I loved the inspired by art challenge!

  49. Love the pattern remixes! I'm always amazed how everyone thinks outside the box... errr... pattern.

  50. "It's all in the details" was a great one.

  51. Art inspired week has been my favorite, and not just because I won the sew along. I loved so many looks created that week! I have started looking towards art for sewing inspiration more and more. I agree with what someone else said, we should totally have a literature inspired week sometime. Like No Big Dill's Once Upon a Thread series.

  52. I'm torn between Refashion, Inspired by Art, or the Shirt Challenge

  53. Last season's Sweets/Candy Inspiration challenge was really fun to see! The Movie Challenge was my runner up fav!!

  54. I love the signature look. It tells you a lot about the designer, and the designers always perform best.
    Also, every outfit I see, inspires me, so actually, I love them all ;)

  55. I always love the challenges for Holiday wear. I love little kids getting all dressed up! And its so fun to see how differently people dress them for holidays.

  56. I like the repurposing challenge. I love seeing what people come up with!

  57. love the repurposing! though I like the boy one for inspiration as well :)

  58. It's not very creative, but I like the "my style" category. Even after all these seasons, I'm not sure what that would be for me. It's great to see all those designers discover themselves that way.

  59. I love seeing the my style one too. It's fun to see what everyone likes.

  60. I love the signature look week, always. It's fun to see the looks and say, yep, that's them!

  61. That's hard....I would have to say my favorite has been the art challenge. I had a full on lesson with my kids where we learned about the different artists and when we chose Picasso for our look, they all learned how to draw and color pictures in his style and I absolutely loved it! Aevarie was very proud of her Picasso dress and seeing her so confident and proud made it one of my favorite outfits I've made!

  62. I LOVED the Inspired by art. Such creativity and thought went into those. Of course they're always fantastic!

  63. Hmm, winter wonderland or signature look.. Choices choices.. I'll go ith winter wonderland!

  64. Every season I look forward to the signature look challenges...I love seeing what everyone comes up with; so inspiring and so personal.

  65. My favorite was the era design. I would love to come up with an outfit from a certain era... Now if only I had the time!

  66. I loved the candy one, but I can't wait to see all the movie inspired ones!

  67. My favorite is the signature look challenge

  68. white sheet was fun but they all are!! thanks!

  69. My favorite was the movie challenge by far!

  70. The art inspired challenge was fantastic! Remember the petals dress by Stef? Stunning!

  71. I'd have to go with Candy, as well. HOWEVER, I'm just as excited to see these movie looks. Fun stuff!

  72. Hollywood/Movie looks. I don't remember the exact theme, but I loved it!

  73. I loved the art week! So many different and amazing possibilities!

  74. I like the men's shirt challenge and the movie theme challenge. I also like the holiday wear because I tend to prefer the fancy dress clothes. -JennyJo

  75. I really like the current Winter Wonderland theme.

  76. I've not been following the competition for too long, but I loved the Candy inspired week. Mie @ Sewing Like Mad had THE BEST LOOK. Seriously.

  77. My definite favorite is the take a spin on a free pattern.

  78. I really liked the chevron one! It was great to see the all-stars turn a chevron into something interesting and new.

  79. I like the ones from an era--40s, 50s, whatever. Those are so fun to see made into kids' clothes :)

  80. I definitely always love the remix theme. But that's my favorite to do anyway hehe. So I would also say the inspired by art theme. It was really fun trying to narrow that one down. Also I have to agree than an inspired by literature theme would be AMAZING.

  81. Of the themes that I sewed along with, I loved the pattern remix, but as a looky-lou I was amazed by the "inspired by art" theme!

  82. I loved the "Let's go to the Movies" challenge!

  83. I liked the Winter Wonderland and White Sheet challenges

  84. I loved the white sheet, inspired by candy, and winter wonderland themes... If only my sewing machine hadn't broken at a very inopportune time, preventing me from sewing along!

  85. I just started following the contest so week one's Winter Wonderland theme is my all. time. favorite! ;) Thanks for this incredible opportunity!! Love it!

  86. The White Sheet -- it was a completely blank slate...

  87. "White Sheet" and "All in the Details"!!!!

  88. Movie challenge. Jessica's jacket was amazing.

  89. Inspired by art. Although I do have to admit that I was inspired by the Repurposing. Love your challenges, someday I will be organized enough and have enough time to enter. Your contestants are amazing.

  90. The white sheet - in my opinion it requires so much more creativity, and the results are doubly inspiring for that reason!

  91. Sewing through the decades, that little GraceKelly!

  92. art inspiration or movie week... but truly I love em all. It is awesome to see what spin each person takes.

  93. I liked the one where the clothes were based on movies.

  94. My favorite is a toss up between The movies Challenge and the Inspired by candy challenge.

  95. I really liked the popover remix because the results were so creative and diverse.

  96. I really loved the most recent Winter Wonderland challenge. All of the entries were so great!

  97. I loved the white sheet challenge. This was the challenge that I found Project Run and Play, and have loved it ever since. It was so amazing to me the things the designers did with a white sheet, it helped me start to think outside the box a little more when I sewed.

  98. My favorite was from the All Star season, "It's all in the Details." I have always thought the that best part about sewing is putting in the details that you can't buy in ready to wear so it was fun to get some new ideas!

  99. I'm stuck between three: Men's Dress Shirt, All in the Details, and Signature Style. I really like seeing the re-purposing aspect and how creative people can be. I'm also a very detailed person and love love love seeing all the little nuances that go into designs. But I also really look forward to the Signature Style week as that is when personalities seem to shine brightest.

  100. I loved the white sheet challenge, but any of the repurpose challenges are great!

  101. My favorite is always the remix or upcycled challenges. The men's dress shirt was fun. Also LOVE boys week!!!

  102. Thanks for the surprise giveaway!! How fun!

    I love the biased skirt remix!

  103. The candy challenge was a favorite of mine... the contributions were so creative!

  104. I liked the chevron challenge b/c everyone loves chevrons. :)

  105. I would say signature, it's authentic!

  106. I really liked the stripes and polka dots theme and the details theme.

  107. My favorite is always the signature style challenge, it's fun to see what the contestants do when they're totally free and go all out.

  108. I love the Upcycled challenges the best, I think! Hard to choose. But I am always so inspired by the creativity!

  109. White sheet puts everyone on the same playing field which I love.

  110. I adored the white sheet challenge! It is absolutely my favorite! It seems like a huge test of creativity and is just awesomesauce :) I do really truly love the upcycle challenges as well though...that is so close to home and something that I started following PR&P for; for inspiration for upcycling/refashioning clothes for my children.

  111. the candy one was a huge favorite of mine!

  112. I've really enjoyed the signature style theme.

  113. I love the remixes and the best was the Junebug dress remix, mainly because of the beautiful rainbow "every colour in the box" dress that Danielle Wilson designed. That dress is still imprinted on my brain, actually everything Danielle did in that season was amazing. Nothing (for me) has beaten that dress yet.

  114. I like the white sheet challenge, the re-purposing, and the decades.

  115. I love the signature looks.

  116. My favorite was one of the outfits from the white sheet challenge.

  117. I think my favorite was the candy inspired challenge - my favorite subject!

  118. I guess I would go for the Signature style challenge as my favorite. Thanks for this giveaway!

  119. I enjoy seeing everyone reign in their styles to create a signature look --so much work!!

  120. I love the remix challenges! And also the upcycle challenges even though those seem a little harder to judge.

  121. I love the one that chose a person's style as inspiration! I don't remember the name of it, but I remember an Audrey Hepburn look and one based on Princess Kate.

  122. I loved all the creativity that came out of the White Sheet Challenge!

  123. I really like art week. The creations were amazing!

  124. My favorite to sew was the biased skirt remix, my favorite to view was the white sheet challenge but my daughters favorite to wear is still the polka dot and stripes theme :)

  125. I always enjoy the fashion icon challenge.

  126. I really loved the upcycled one from men's shirts!

  127. Mine was probably the white sheet much creativity!

  128. recycled theme is definitely my favourite

  129. Sewing through the decades was definitely my favorite!

  130. I really liked the candy inspired challenge. It was fun and whimsical, not to mention I love candy!!

  131. I really liked the candy inspired challenge. It was fun and whimsical, not to mention I love candy!!

  132. I loved to sew along so many of this contest themes, it is hard to pick just one...
    I think I would have to choose "It’s All in the Details", but only because my 3dpleats where selected as the sew along winner.
    I also have to tell you I struggle every time I have to deal with last weeks' theme: "Signature Look"!

  133. There are so many great themes to choose from! I can't pick just one favorite, but I did love the men's dress shirt challenge!

  134. Hmmmmm, that's tough! I think the White Sheet Challenge. I loved seeing how everyone took a blank canvas and completely changed it!

  135. I love the signature look. Watching a designer you can usually tell from how they spin a challenge what is "them" but when given free reign it's great to see what they come up with!

  136. I really liked the white sheet challenge. All the designers went way further out of the box than I was thinking, and I was pretty impressed.

  137. I think repurposing is my favorite challenge. It's something I try to do a lot of, and it's fun to be inspired by the creative ways everyone else reuses old clothes items.

  138. I can't choose a favorite because they are all so creative.

  139. I loved the art inspired challenge, it was so neat to see what everyone came up with :)

  140. I enjoyed the art challenge as well. I also agree with a commenter that a literature challenge would be amazing to see.

  141. Art inspired challenge was fun to see. Polka dots and stripes was my favorite to sew.

  142. The repurposing theme is the one that I love!

  143. I always like the personal style ones.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  144. The inspired by art challenge has been my favorite.

  145. I loved the candy challenge from last season. The almond joy outfits were absolutely adorable!

  146. Let's all go to the movies is definitely my favorite. I'm so excited to see it done again this time around :) SO EXCITED!

  147. Inspired by art! No...the Hollywood one! Gah! How to pick????

  148. I like the signature style is always fun to see how different styles can be.

  149. Inspired by candy was defo my favorite. It was so sweet. *snickers* (sorry)

  150. week one season four my fav....

  151. Inspired by art was my favorite. I love all the variety though. You come up with some great ideas!!

  152. Upcycling, personal style and anything involving dramatic print contrast (stripes/polka dots comes to mind). I can't seem to get enough of the PR&P!

  153. I loved the Inspired by Art challenge. It's great to see everyone's interpretations of well known art.

  154. I always like seeing the signature styles.

  155. Inspired By Art Challenge! Amazing Creations!

  156. My fav has been the men's shirt challenge. Such cute stuff!

  157. They are all great but the candy challenge was really fun to see.

  158. I loved the Popover Dress remix challenge - it was the first time I participated and I enjoyed being creative within fixed boundaries.

  159. Definitely "Let's go to the movies"!

  160. I really like the white sheet challenge and all upcycling challenges.

  161. I really liked the white sheet and decades challenges

  162. i loved the men's shirt challenge

  163. I like repurposing/upcycling challenges!

  164. I loved the creativity from the candy challenge.

  165. The white sheet challenge. A blank canvas...where will it take you?


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