Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rami Inspired Bias Trimmed Shorts by Nicole from Coles Corner

Today we are so excited to have one of our good friends from Project Run and Play Season 3 here with us today---Nicole, from Cole's Corner and Creations

Have you ever run across a blog and you know that if you were to meet that person in real life you would be friends?  Well, that is how I felt the first time I saw Nicole's blog.  (And the more I've gotten to know her the more convinced I've become of that.)

What Nicole has for us today is so fun---it combines two of my favorite things (Project Runway---with Rami---and Project Run and Play) into a kids tutorial of awesomeness!  So with out further ado, here's Nicole! 

Hey ya'll! I'm so excited to be posting here at Project Run and Play! I'm an avid follower of Project Runway and Project Run and Play. I love seeing what the designers come up with and learning new things along the way. I sew for fun, but also for necessity, so most of the things I make my kids are practical. As much as I love the fancy, couture, fashion forward ensembles... what my kids need are things they can run and play and go to school in. I'd say that's what my signature look is: practical fun! A couple weeks ago, I was so inspired by Rami's shorts on the runway. How he made something so simple look so chic and distinct.
I decided right then and there that I would re-create a version of those shorts. Want to make some with me? They're sooooo easy,  fun, and practical! I give you the:
You can use any shorts pattern you have or create your own. I used a pattern, because they were .99 at Hobby Lobby the week I made these~ Simplicity 2268. Start by cutting out your pattern pieces and getting your bias tape or making your own. I have a cool tutorial for it on my blog. 
You'll also need some elastic for the waistband and matching thread. I think it's really important to change your thread to match your fabrics, so I used grey, pink, and lime. It takes more time, but gives a very professional finish. Prepare your pattern pieces by reading thru your pattern and making any adjustments. This pattern had you bind the edge of the pocket and turn the binding back, so I cut off that seam allowance. Anytime you are binding a seam instead of hemming it, you will need to cut off that extra. I also cut the hem allowance off the shorts pattern pieces- as we were hemming with the bias tape. On this pair of shorts, I just used the binding on the top of the pocket, so I left the bottom hem allowance.
If this is your first time using bias tape, make sure you put the slightly shorter edge on the front, pin, and iron your binding to fit the curve, and pull ever so slightly on the binding as you sew. Also, sew very close to the edge using a matching thread color. Now the pockets are ready to sew onto the shorts.
On the pink pair, I bound the top edges and the bottom edges. If you do this, just remember to cut off that bottom hem allowance.
After sewing the pockets to the front of the shorts, you will continue sewing the shorts like normal. Stitch the inner leg seams and crotch seams. Then turn them right side out and pin the side seams wrong sides together. 
Stitch the side seam. The first time I stitched and serged the edges, the second time I just basted it. Both ways worked perfectly fine. Next time I'll just do it the quick way and baste them.
You want to trim your seam allowance to the width of the bias you're using. In this case the binding was 3/8 inch- so that's how big the seam allowance is. On the pink pair, it was 1/2 inch- so that's how wide it was. This is important to do this so you don't change the size of the shorts and also, so your waistband still fits. Now it's time to bind the seam. eeee! See... isn't this easy and fun! Just sandwich that seam allowance in between your bias tape and stitch thru all layers, close to the edge. 
Once you've encased both side seams in the binding it will look like this:
Now take it to the iron and press the seam to the back of the shorts.
Then stitch the length of the other side of the binding (on both sides) close to the edge. You may find it easier to turn the shorts inside out and stitch them that way.
Doesn't that look awesome!!! You're almost done. Hem the bottom of the shorts by opening out your bias tape and stitching on the folds all the way around the hem.
Flip it over and sew it down- close to the edge- in a matching thread color. Do both legs and your hem is done!
I love this bias tape. :)
Now just add your waistband according to directions and you're done! I think Rami would be proud. {I'm so bummed he got sent home!} I'd just love to see your shorts if you make some! Or use this technique on any garment you're making. It adds some real pizzazz to an ordinary piece of clothing. I can't wait to see my daughter playing in these!

Come visit me over at Cole's Corner and Creations and say hi! I love meeting new people and finding new blogs to read.
Thank you so, so much to Elizabeth and Liz for having me today. This is my first time guest posting anywhere and I'm just so giddy over it. I feel so honored to be asked.
Nicole Scott
or check out my etsy store at

See, what did I tell you?  Nicole is just awesome.
(You want to be her real life friend now too don't you?)

Thank you Nicole for this tutorial!  I can't wait to try it out!
(And just for the record, I'm bummed that Rami got sent home as well.  Just another reason we should be friends...)

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  1. I love love love these! I might make some for myself!

  2. These are awesomely cute, Cole! I'm sure your girls love them!

  3. cutest shorts ever!!! i'm going to check my stash of fabrics to give this project a try right away.... and by the way i think i should be your friend too!!!

  4. Adorable! I love PR and these are great! Thank you, Nicole ;)


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