Wednesday, May 23, 2012

PRP Summer Schedule

Season 4 just ended but as we announced yesterday we are doing anything but taking the summer off.

Friday we will give you some more details about our Skirting the Issue Event.  But today we want to tell you how much we love you. 

The response we got to yesterday's post was overwhelming.  For months now Elizabeth and I have been planning this event---it is important to us---but we weren't sure what the response would be like. 
We talked about what our goal would be in relation to the number of skirts we would like to have made and donated and finally settled on 100.  In our minds we saw it as a very real possibility that we would be making all of the skirts to be donated by ourselves and decided that between us we could bust out 100.

You ladies astound us---we have already received emails from ladies living in California to Australia who have sent us information that they have tracked down about the local foster care donation centers in their areas and the plans they have for their skirt projects.

As I said you astound us.
Thank you for being willing to help us with this...I think it's going to be something really special.  And tomorrow we'll have some more information about it for you.

Now for some other news...
The rest of the summer will look like this:

Friday:  Details about Skirting the Issue

The Last Week of May:  We will be taking a break to finalize some things, celebrate Memorial Day, and wrap up school with our kids.

The Entire Month of June:  Starting Monday, June 4th we will be having a tutorial everyday shared by some of our friends from the Project Run and Play Flickr group.  We say all of the time we wish we could share everything from the Flickr group and while this still isn't letting us share EVERYTHING (or even everyone that we wanted to) it is a whole month dedicated to the awesomeness that is the group.  (And we are pretty sure that this will just be the first of many Flickr friends tutorial round-ups---you all are just too good not to share you.)

***Which reminds me---some of you ladies were IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of---we looked for contact information and couldn't find it...maybe it's just us (we aren't super techno) or maybe you'd rather we can't find you (and we don't blame you there either) but it would be sweet if you could put your contact info (like an email address) somewhere.***

The Entire Month of July:  SKIRTING THE ISSUE---Daily skirt tutorials from some of blogland's most talented all-stars (really the line-up is pretty, dang cool) along with giveaways and of course stories and information about foster care.

August:  Project Run and Play Season 5 open auditions and some other back to the regularly scheduled program goodness.

WheW!  So that is that...thanks again everyone for being so wonderful...we are really looking forward to this summer!

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  1. I honestly wouldn't know even where to look to find the local ones, but I'd be happy to box mine up and send it to y'all! (We've been in moving hell, and thus most things are still in boxes.)

  2. I wish I could be in but so far I have yet to find any agency's in South Africa. Will continue hunting though!

  3. Good point, I could just box mine up from England and send them to you! :-)


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