Friday, March 14, 2014

Meet the Designers: Ajaire from Call Ajaire

Hi guys!  I'm Ajaire from Call Ajaire and I'm obsessed with Project Run & Play.  Obsessed.  Good, now that that you know why I'm here, let me tell you a little about how I got here.

Back in 2007 I was a computer programmer living outside Seattle.  I met my soon-to-be husband, got engaged, and we decided to move back east to get married and be closer to our families.  Though we each spent the majority of our adult years in or around Seattle and that's where we met, we were born and raised in Massachusetts.  Fast forward a few years and we've made our home in Montgomery County, Maryland where I'm fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with our two (almost three - yikes!) year old daughter, Bean.

Okay, here comes the part where I talk about sewing.  I've always loved making.  At an early age I started cross stitching and sewing and then I taught  myself to knit and crochet during college.  When Bean was born I was filled with all sorts of inspiration and started sewing up a storm, but lets face it: with a little one in the house there's not a lot of sewing time and lots of mind-wandering-inspiration time and for me the best part of a project is really the design/plan phase.  I guess that's the computer science part of my brain coming out?  Anyway, sew-alongs really lit a fire under me in terms of deadlines and themes and without Project Run & Play to focus my inspiration I might still have a ton of UFOs hanging around the sewing machine.

I've been a massive fan of Project Run & Play since the very beginning and have participated in every sew-along since the first one in season three when I remixed the Junebug Dress.  Looking through past seasons of the sew-along is like looking through Bean's baby book, hehe.  Remember back before the linkys when we just submitted a photo to the flickr group?  It's fun for me to see how she's grown and how my designs have progressed.  I am over the top grateful to have been voted in for the wild card spot this season and can't wait to show you my interpretations of each theme.  I've never even won a sew-along week so this is all pretty amazing, but I promise not to disappoint.  I am in amazing company this season and as the social media hashtags we designers agreed to use for this #prpseason9 would suggest: I really do think this will be the #bestseasonyet.  Are you guys excited yet?

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  1. Squeeea! I can't wait to see what you make!

  2. YEY! So great to see you in the competition... can't wait til it starts!!! =D

  3. So awesome. Can't wait to see all your looks!!

  4. I'm so excited you're on this season!!!

  5. Whooooo! I am so excited to see you compete, I know that you will do a great job. We are cheering for you loud, I know you will do great!

  6. Can't wait to see what you sew up! Yaaaa!

  7. Can't wait to see what you make. Your Instagram pics has me intrigued and excited!

  8. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Can't wait!!!

  9. Ajaire you are so sweet and I loved getting to know you a little better. I am excited to be in this season with you, we are going to have fun. :) #bestseasonyet!!!

  10. Completely jealous of your knitting / crocheting background.....I have the cross-stitching down pat, but could never master the other {although our grandmother tried}. Personally, I'm blaming it on my being a lefty, and spatially inept....

  11. Ahhh! So excited you're in it! Can't wait to see what you come up with, and following you on instagram has me convinced you never sleep ;)


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