Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Meet the Designer: Mandy from Sugar Bee

Hi Everyone!! I am SUPER excited/ SUPER intimidated about competing in this season!!  Because these gals can SEW - I hope I can keep up.

I am Mandy, and I blog over at :
I live in the midwest and have 4 amazing kids (9,7,5,3) and a great husband who is willing to help on whatever crazy project I need.  I have my degree in sociology, but I love being able to stay home with my kids and crafting and creating.
I started my craft blog when I kept showing off my projects on my family blog and thought they were taking over and needed a space of their own.  I couldn't have imagined that it would grow to what it is today - wow!  I enjoy showing projects and tutorials and I feel like if I can do something, then really, you can too!  I want to encourage everyone to give it a try!

I have been sewing forever, even as a child making pj pants, etc.  But I wouldn't consider myself a seamstress by any means.  I still have to call my mom and aunt when I can't figure out what some patterns are talking about.  I like sticking to easy projects that I know I can tackle.

This competition will push my sewing abilities for sure - bring on the challenge!!

Hope to see you over in my corner of the craft world, Sugar Bee Crafts - -

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  1. You bayou have such a cute family Mandy! (and don't worry, I still feel like an amateur garment sewer in a lot of ways too!)

  2. love me some mandy! good luck this season!!! i know you will be amazing!


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