Thursday, November 7, 2019

Meet the Designer: Lorna of Bombles and Mookin

Aka Bomblesandmookin

I am Lorna.  Full time mum of two and part-time nature conservationist for a wildlife charity. 

I've been sewing clothes for about four years, since my oldest (then four) asked for a jumper from some fabric he saw online.  It was jersey, so I taught myself to sew stretch and I've never looked back.

I have a learn as you go attitude and have since tackled everything from mannequins to trench coats, dresses to shoes.  I have tested lots of patterns, which has been a great way to get insight into design and drafting. 

My sewing has evolved from following patterns, through hacking them and just recently making my own garments up from scratch.
I also sew samples for several fabric companies and have just started a blog on my sewing adventures:

I am on Instagram as Bomblesandmookin

I am very excited, and more than a bit daunted to be joining designers for a season of Project Run and Play.  I'm looking forward to pushing myself creatively and sharing my passion for sewing with you.

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1 comment :

  1. I can't wait to see what you make. You're so very clever and I admire your dedication and passion for making. So proud to call you a friend. Excited for you! �� Sarina


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