Friday, July 7, 2023

Seafoam Skirt Hacks

 Today, we have Jenny of Made of Starlite walking us through her hacks for the Seafoam Skirt that she did for her Project Under the Sea collection.

Using pre-cut tulle for the ruffles on Seafoam Skirt

For my Project Under the Sea collection, I was envisioning fluffy tulle skirts! Basically the wearable version of actual seafoam. But as you may know, cutting miles of tulle into strips to then gather and sew is tedious at best, and frustrating at worst! So I decided to see how it would work if I used the pre-cut tulle rolls you see at craft stores, in an effort to save myself a little time and sanity

It worked fairly well!! I wanted narrow ruffles, and at least two layers of tulle, so I just folded the 6" strips in half and put my gathering stitches along the folded edge. I do think I would double up on the tulle next time, for at least 4 layers on each ruffle. 

Craft tulle is pretty stiff, and not great for apparel, so I think I would only recommend this technique if you have a particularly strong aversion to cutting the tulle yourself, or are in a hurry. Otherwise, I think it would be worth it to use better quality tulle. We forgot to photograph them, but I also attached shorts length Rocky Shore Tights to the skirt, so that she can wear it to school!

Attaching the Seafoam Skirt to a Dress Bodice

For my second hack, I stuck a maxi length Seafoam skirt on the Calliandra dress bodice! This one required more math on my part, as I varied the length of the tulle layers to achieve the look of waves crashing on a beach.

I did cut the tulle myself for this one, and I definitely like how it lays and feels much better than the craft tulle. Much nicer, and a better match for the fancy dress!

The main adjustment in construction that you need to make to put the Seafoam Skirt on a dress bodice, is accounting for the zipper or button placket. I did this by cutting the back lining piece in half down the center back fold, and then sewing my strips of tulle to the lining flat rather than as loops. I made sure to leave seam allowance at the center back to sew the lining together without catching the tulle ruffles. Because the tulle is stiff and sheer, you don't notice the back seam at all unless you are looking for it! Obviously, if you are attaching the skirt to a knit bodice, or a bodice without closures, you can just sew it according to the pattern, and then rather than attaching it to the waistband, just attach it to the dress bodice.

Not only did I adjust the length of the tulle layers, (7" for the purple, 10" for the teal, 18" for the cream), but I used the narrow ruffle spacing when attaching them to the underskirt. 

I do wish I had at least doubled up on the tulle layers for this dress like I did on the skirt! But it was a case of poor planning, so I went with what I had on hand.

Thank you Jenny!! We hope you are inspired to use the Seafoam Skirt in new ways! Grab it on sale through next Tuesday, 7/11, with the code in the newsletter!!

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