Monday, August 28, 2023

Mini Season 3: Round 2 Designers

Round 2 is sure to be a close match-up!

Project Run and Play Competition

In the first corner, we have Amanda from Season 24!


I’m Amanda, or DerivingMommyhood over on Instagram where I share my sewing life. I am a mother of four that up until this year I have homeschooled. I started sewing in college but really dove in after my second was born and I had left behind my life as a math teacher. My mom sewed for me growing up and did alterations for seemingly everyone I knew, but my path involved following lots of bloggers and learning by trial and error (mostly error in the beginning). I needed a creative outlet while I was home with young children to show something for my day, because everyone was always going to be hungry again even if I cooked all day and the house would just get messy again but a dress stayed a dress forever. I moved to Ireland with my little family for 5 years and did so much more sewing over lockdowns. Now I’m back in my native Florida and finding the time to sew between a million kids activities and helping to run a nonprofit.

And in the second corner, we have Liesel from Season 16!

Hi, I'm Liesel and I blog at It's Liesel. I'm so excited to be a part of this mini season on PRP! This is one of the best communities in the online sewing world, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

My parents taught me to sew when I was a girl, but I hated every minute of it. Shortly after my second daughter was born, I became a stay at home mom, and had time to find a way to express my creativity. I enjoyed following several blogs, and started using lots of DIY tutorials to teach myself how to sew things, from baby leggings to carseat covers and more. I soon discovered PDF patterns, and went crazy using them to learn new techniques, and hone my skill! Sewing children’s clothing is my passion.

I have six children. My oldest two are girls, ages 15, and 13, then three boys, 10, 8, and 4, and a 2 year old daughter. We homeschool them, which is always fun and chaotic! I have happily lived in Kansas most of my life. My husband is a huge support, and I am thankful for him. We have been married for almost 17 years. 

If you want to follow me on instagram, I post my sewing and personal things there: @itsliesel

We can't wait to see what they create this week! Let's get ready to rummbbbbblllllle!

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